My Smart Group
Privacy solutions with Hydro Window Films
My Smart Group
A client's modern office space, characterised by its open floor plan and internal glass partitions, required a sophisticated privacy solution. The objective was to achieve one-way privacy during working hours. However, the challenge with internal windows is that the equal light distribution on both sides often negates the effectiveness of traditional one-way privacy films. The client sought a solution that would provide privacy without compromising the open and airy feel of the office.
To overcome the equal lighting challenge, our team devised a creative solution to manipulate the light conditions artificially. We installed a combination of two different films: Dark Smoke 20 on the side requiring reduced visibility and Reflective Silver 20 on the opposite side. This strategic approach was designed to:
Dark Smoke 20: By applying this darker film to one side of the glass partitions, we aimed to diminish the light on this side, thereby creating a necessary contrast in lighting conditions.
Reflective Silver 20:The other side of the glass partitions received the Reflective Silver 20 film, which is highly reflective and complements the reduced lighting on the opposite side, enhancing the one-way mirror effect during optimal lighting conditions.
The installation process involved precise measurements and expert application techniques to ensure a flawless finish, maintaining the office's modern aesthetic.
Post-installation, the office enjoyed a dynamic privacy solution that exceeded the client's expectations:
Effective Privacy: The manipulation of light successfully established the desired one-way privacy. The Dark Smoke 20 reduced the interior lighting, enabling the Reflective Silver 20 to act as a mirror from the other side during the day.
Maintained Aesthetics: The sleek appearance of the films complemented the contemporary design of the office, preserving its open concept feel while adding a layer of privacy.
Versatility in Use: The solution proved adaptable to various lighting conditions. While the one-way privacy effect is most potent during the day when the exterior is brighter, the dark film still provides a degree of privacy under balanced lighting conditions.
Positive Feedback: Staff members reported feeling a greater sense of privacy and security, leading to improved comfort and productivity.
The Managing Director of My Smart Group was thrilled with the new look of his office and the comfortability of him and colleagues to be able to see out without anyone seeing in.